I have 4 project,
3 Website 1 Android App. none of them is making money at this point(2017-July) I mention this is because I want give you a quick overview.
1. Youtube Sum Up
2. Reco
3. Crash Course China App (CC 速成班)
4.寓住 - 根据城市筛选公寓)
1. Youtube Sum Up
I am writing a whole new landing page & some new feature, (Free)
I once waste 47 minute on a youtube video with content I already know, I watched it is because the title and description didn’t tell much, just says “Lesson #2”. I hate the feeling of waste time and get nothing done. I created this website and hope people can write longer review on video to: 1. better understanding of the video, because to summarize it you have to use your own word 2. help other save times.
(Ruby on Rails)
2. Reco
just as Sum up, I wrote this in 2016, since then I learn a lot about what’s a good landing page.
I would make a better landing page once I have time. (Free)
I read ton of article & watch ton of video, very small percentage of them is really good, I want write a little piece about what’s it about, if other interested they can click original link to get more detail. I just want share great stuff with people.
(Ruby on Rails)
3. Crash Course China App (CC 速成班)
it’s on an Android App Store call “酷安(Ku an)” (Free) (Android)
2017-06-26 live on App Store, 2017-07-09 have 538 download.
Youtube is being blocked in China, and Crash Course have really great content, a lot people in China are tranlating Crash Course video for free just because they love this kind of content.(I used to do that during 2013-2015 as a side thing) these translated video is all over the place, I build this & hope people can just open up app and watch translated Crash Course video. without research what people are translating what serie and follow them on that video website.
(not for profit project)
John Green know this
(React Native)
in case you may not know, Google is banned in China, Google Play is not working at all, China have couple Android App Store.(wandoujia/ku an/baidu/tencent/etc..) and they have annoying review process, so I only upload my app to this one app store. (annoying review process: take photo of you holding ID card (front & back) and must show your elbow for whatever reason, and I have to print some form and sign it, I just don’t have time & mood to do all of that.)
4.寓住 - 根据城市筛选公寓) (Free)
租房子时,除了民房,公寓也是一种选择。我就想知道某个城市下有什么公寓,我不在乎是什么品牌(是You+/魔方/自如寓/贝客我根本不在乎) 就告诉我那个城市有什么牌子就好了,然后我自己做调查来做决定到底租什么。我找不到这样的工具来解决问题,所以做了这个。