HEY! I am making some vlog - would upload to Youtube soon
I am closing Yuzhu - temporarily (not boring text post, there 3 gif in post, 3!!)
Yuzhu - Find Apartment in China(My 4th side project) - Launched at July 11, 2017
寓住 - 根据城市筛选公寓(我的第 4 个项目)
6 Startups in 12 month
ssh 使用 shadowsocks 加速
Jekyll 写中文报错 utf-8
Soluation to Rails assest precompile cause server CPU usage too high
How I feel after switch from PHP to Ruby on Rails (6 month now)
What gem you should know as a Rails newbie
[Ruby on Rails 4 + Paperclip gem]: Ajax image upload
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